Ben Gonshor is a best-selling writer, award-winning playwright, actor, musician and entrepreneur.
His debut novel, The Book of Izzy, was the #1 Hot New Release for comedy and top-ten bestseller across categories on Amazon in Canada. It was also named a finalist by the Chanticleer International Book Awards for humour and allegorical fiction and was chosen as a Distinguished Favorite by the Independent Press Awards. His play, When Blood Ran Red, which tells of a true-life, dramatic moment in the life of the great American actor\singer\activist, Paul Robeson, won the David and Clare Rosen Memorial International Play Contest at the National Yiddish Theatre in New York. He is the writer\producer of the documentary film Mending The Torn Curtain which tells the story of the creation of the landmark First International Yiddish Theatre Festival. Ben also conceived and produced the world premiere Yiddish language video of The Triangle Fire/Bread and Roses.
He holds an M.F.A. in Motion Picture Producing from the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California and in his spare time he owns and operates FLUIDS iQ, Canada’s Wellness Laboratory.